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Reviews of Best Garden Plants for North Carolina, by Pam Beck and Laura Peters, Softcover, 176 pages, $16.95, ISBN 976-8200-10-3


"It's a book with the kind of cachet that demands it spend time in your car's glove compartment instead of on the bookshelf. That way you'll have the wide range of comments by Beck and Peters to accompany you as you stalk the aisles where great plants are found." -- Peter Loewer for Carolina Gardener Magazine

"Stumped about which annuals to try in that shady corner of your garden or whether you acidic soil can handle hydrangeas? Find the answers in this handy guide, full of color photos and helpful recommendations." -- Our State Magazine

"Small enough to take to the garden center or nursery, this book contains all the gardening information you need to decide which plants to select and how to care for them in your regional garden." -- Book Club

"This 1st edition is a must-have for every North Carolina gardener." -- J C Raulston Arboretum Gala Auction

"This handy guide profiles 544 plants, with sections on annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, herbs and ornamental grasses, ferns and other foliage plants. Every account includes brilliant color photographs and well-organized text, expert tips and recommended species, along with information about height, spread, hardiness, flower color and notable features. The book's sturdy, compact design makes it possible to take it into the garden or to the garden center for reference. BEST GARDEN PLANTS FOR NORTH CAROLINA is now available in bookstores and garden centers throughout the state, or by calling 1-800-518-3541." -- Lone Pine Gardening Media Release

"Pam Beck's newspaper column always had great tips for the local gardener. This book does not disappoint. This handy book is easy to carry for those many trips to the home centers or nurseries. It has good pictures of the plants and the descriptions are concise but very helpful. Every North Carolinian, especially those new to the area, should invest in this little gem." -- Reviewer: R. Garcia, January 3, 2007

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